Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Life on the fast lane has never held any fascination for me. Just take a look around you - there appears to be a mad rush on all the time. Right from the the break of dawn on monday till the sun sets on friday, every single day is just a whirr and a blur. This is what my typical day looks like.

I drag myself out of bed most reluctantly in the morning with every cell in my body crying for that extra 10 minutes. I dread swtiching on the bedroom light because i know it will prick my eyes ! But a man's got to do what a man's got to do ! I finish my toilet and get ready for office with hardly anytime for preparing lunch and eating breakfast. It's the same boring routine stuff at office. So i won't even try to describe it here. Lunch time is awaited eagerly, for it lets me take a break from reality; let my hair down, if u know what i mean. The first hour after lunch is the pits.
Science has never been able to figure out why a man feels more sleepy at this time of the day than when he's about to hit the sack at night ! I suppose it never will !

Well, the day goes right downhill from there on in. One interminable wait till quitting time. When it finally comes, i usually send up a silent prayer !The 3 hours or so before going to sleep must the best part of the day. Thank God for internet ! And thank God for music. And it's the same story repeated the next day. It's one big infinite loop.

So what would i rather be doing ? Well, for starters, i'd quit my job ! I'd rise with the sun; that's something I wouldn't like to change. However I don't know if you've noticed it but i never have the urge to sleep for 'that extra 10 minutes' when there's no office ! (I didn't used to be able to sleep a minute extra during summer vacation, when in school ! )Another of God's cruel tricks on the human race ! I'd move to the country - some idyllic village with a river nearby. Live in a big house that seems to go on and on. I'd like to lose track of time. No more sunday evening and monday morning blues. A place where I can treat mondays and fridays equanimously. No more worries about promotions. No more worries about career moves. No more concerns about what the Joneses are doing. Sleep under the open skies at night looking up at the twinkling stars and passing wafting clouds.No more worries about deadlines.

Of course ! Man, what a question ! :-))

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