Thursday, January 4, 2007

Filter kapi

Some people seem to have that knack of making the perfect coffee. Not too bitter, not too sweet, not too strong, not too light either, not too much milk in it-in other words, just about right ! The sound it makes when it is transferred from tumbler to davara about a metre apart is pure music.
(If the froth that forms on the top of the davara after the above mentioned transfer is not at least 2-3 cms thick, u know u have not done it right. )
Pause to drink in the aroma, mixed with the steam, the transfer leaves behind. Now, take the first sip, feel it burn its way down your throat and savour for a second the taste it leaves behind on your tongue. Then, and only then, take the second sip. Ah ! For a good cup of strong filter kapi... I've noticed there is a a lot of difference between the coffee available in Karnataka hotels and the coffee available in TN hotels(cities like Madras and Madurai). For one, the quantity in TN is more. And then, there is a subtle difference in the flavour. I feel it is 'lighter' in TN, but more aromatic. You don't get quite as much quantity in, say, a bangalore hotel. But it is definitely more 'thicker'. I've always wondered how it would be to mix a bangalore coffee and a madurai coffee in a big tumbler and taste it !
If there's one thing i miss here in the US, its the taste of genuine filter kapi, freshly brewed.

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