Friday, February 23, 2007

Human Cloning

A lot of water has flown under the bridge since Human Cloning as a possibility was first conceived. There have been vehement protests against it - much of it justified.Man should not play God, they said. It will lead to chaos and confusion. The entire social fabric will collapse. Absolutely. I agree totally.

My personal opinion is we are making a mistake by going ahead with research on this.

But here's something we should stop and think about. It is never going to be possible to stop advances in science. The sooner we reconcile ourselves to this fact, the better it will be for all parties concerned. Whether these advances will benefit mankind is another matter. The bottomline is that passing legislations banning such research is not going to help. Even as you read this, you can be sure that research on cloning is going on in some lab in the world conducted by some maverick scientist(s).The question is not whether we should allow it. The question should be how are we going to deal with it when it happens. Again. it is not a question of 'if', rather its a question of 'when'.

So Governments around the world should be practical and wake up to this fact.

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