Sunday, March 29, 2009

Reduce, reuse, recycle.

No good ever came out of increasing one's materialistic possessions. Yet everybody in today's world appears hell bent on doing just that.
Will buying a new car make me more happy than what I am today ? (Yeah, untill the car gets a scratch !)Will buying that cool pair of Levi's do it ?
Will buying a new home do the trick ? (The Damocles' sword of EMI comes into existence and increases misery)
Will taking up a foreign assignment make one happy ? Or how about going on a foreign holiday ?
The irony of it all is that the solution is very simple and yet so out of reach. So easy to understand yet so complex in comprehension. So easy for me blog yet so difficult for me to give all my jeans to charity. So easy for me to preach yet so difficult to practice.

I'm sure God wanted it this way. I'm sure He's having a hearty laugh at our expense !

All our so called 'progress' is in fact taking us farther and farther away from spirituality (unless we are tracing out the trajectory of a giant circle and are ,for now, going away but ,in fact, are on our way, slowly but steadily, back to the starting point) .
Singapore has the best looking streets, buildings and parks. But are Singaporeans happier than people in , say, Taiwan ? The United States ranks up there in every conceivable index related to 'progress' but are Americans a satisfied lot ? Closer home, are people in Bangalore more happy because there are more IT professionals here than in any other city in India ? Are people in Bombay more happy because the city is home to Bollywood ?

And the beauty of it all is that the average Joe knows it too and yet can't do a single thing about it - not a single damn thing.
Reduce, reuse, recycle. That's the secret to happiness.

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